8 tests you should do before you sign your marriage certificate

8 tests you should do before you sign your marriage certificate

These are tests you should do before you sign your marriage certificate. Knowing this will enable you to seek medical assistance early enough and also make the needed lifestyle adjustments. We know you are madly in love but it’s always better to be on the safe side.

1. HIV 2. Hepatitis B 3. Hepatitis C 4. Other STI's 5. Genotype 6. Rhesus 7. Fertility profile 8. Chronic medical conditions.

1. HIV

HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can also be spread by contact with infected blood and from illicit injection drug use. People with HIV may have symptoms at the very beginning of their infection, like swollen glands, fever, headaches, or muscle soreness. You may not have any symptoms at all for up to 10 years.

2. Hepatitis B

This disease is most commonly spread by exposure to infected bodily fluids. Symptoms are variable and include yellowing of the eyes, abdominal pain, and dark urine.

3. Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus. The virus can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis, ranging in severity from a mild illness to a serious, lifelong illness including liver cirrhosis and cancer.

4. Other STI's

Up to 50% of people with Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) don't know they're infected.

So, first check if your partner has lifelong STIs like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Herpes. Then, check for curable STIs like gonorrhea, syphilis, yeast infections & Chlamydia.

Your next concern should be knowing your intending spouse's genotype & Rhesus compatibility. For genotype, read my previous thread below carefully (& ask questions if you ain't clear).

5. Genotype

How compatible are you with your partner's genotype?
AA+AA  = All children healthy, AA
AA+AS = 1 in 2 children Carriers, AS others healthy
AA+SS = All children Carriers
SS+SS = All children SICKLERS!

6. Rhesus

For Rhesus, you can either be Rhesus positive or negative. If a Rhesus-negative lady marries a Rhesus POSITIVE man, there's a 50% chance their baby will be Rhesus-positive. If care is not taken during pregnancy & childbirth, this could cause Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn.

7. Fertility profile

Next, fertility tests are crucial because most couples would like to have kids. You should do at least these 3 common tests to check fertility;
i. Seminal fluid analysis
ii. hormonal assay and
iii.  pelvic ultrasound scans. 
The scans will check the state of the internal reproductive organs.

8. Chronic medical conditions.

Also, check if your prospective spouse has any of the following chronic medical conditions;
1. diabetes 
2. high blood pressure
3. kidney disease
4. liver disease.
Knowing this will enable you to seek medical assistance early enough & also make the needed lifestyle adjustments.



We can't conclude without mentioning the novel coronavirus. Strictly speaking, COVID-19 is not a sexually transmitted infection. But it can be passed on through kissing & close body contact, including having sex.
It’s always better to be on the safe side & that's the essence of this post.  No matter how mad you are in love with him/her, don't jump into signing that marriage certificate without knowing your partner's sexual health status!
Don't say I didn't tell you!!   

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